Simplify the Selling Process with a Real Estate Agent

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Simplify the Selling Process with a Real Estate Agent

If you're interested in putting your house up for sale, you first need to decide if you're going to sell the house on your own or if you want the help of a real estate agent. Some people do sell their homes without any assistance, but working with an agent simplifies the entire process for the seller. In this blog, you'll learn why it's a good choice to speak with an agent to list your house. We aren't connected to the real estate industry, but we have learned the importance of having an agent by our side. The articles you'll read on this site will explain the duties of an agent, such as advertising the property, filing the paperwork and staging the home. The expertise of a real estate agent can make this process more profitable and less stressful for sellers.


Do’s And Don’ts Of Communication With Your Real Estate Agent

31 August 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When you contract with a real estate agent, you need to feel that you are part of a team whose shared goal is the fast and profitable sale of your home. But working as a team involves the right communication. How can you get the communication you need without feeling like you're overwhelming anyone? Here are a few key do's and don'ts.  Do Ask Questions At Early Meetings. Your first — and possibly second or third — meetings are the best time to pummel the agent with questions. Read More …

Ways to Save Money When Building a New Home

27 August 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Building a new home can be a very exciting experience. However, if you do not have a good building expense plan to follow, it can also be very stressful and expensive. Fortunately, there are ways you can build a beautiful home without spending every penny you have. These are some ways to save money when building a new home. Choose the Right Contractor One mistake many people make is choosing the first contractor they talk to and paying much more than they should have. Read More …

5 Features Luxury Home Builders Are Offering In 2020

27 August 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

The pandemic of 2020 changed many things about how we live as a society. Even the houses we live in are changing to accommodate the 'new normal' that we are experiencing. While stay-at-home orders may be boring, the way luxury homes are adapting to the changes is new and exciting.  1. Swimming Pool  Swimming pools have always been deemed a luxury item, but custom home builders are seeing an increased interest in swimming pools. Read More …

Everything You Need To Know About A Real Estate Appraisal

26 August 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Negotiating an offer on a house is just the beginning of the home buying process. There are many steps that need to happen between the offer and the closing to finish the transaction. The real estate appraisal is one of them. What is a real estate appraisal? A real estate appraisal is when a neutral, third-party determines the market value of a home. This figure is independent of both what the seller paid for the house when they bought and what the current offer is. Read More …

Reasons Why a Lakefront Property Makes an Excellent Vacation Home

21 August 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When someone makes the decision to purchase a vacation home, they typically want it to be special. A vacation home is a big financial investment, but in most cases, it is well worth the money. If you're planning to purchase a vacation home in the near future, you should seriously consider focusing on lakefront properties for sale. Lakefront properties have so many advantages over properties located in other locations, and you can find the perfect property, whether you're looking for a very large home or something more quaint and intimate. Read More …