Zachary Sullivan

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Simplify the Selling Process with a Real Estate Agent

If you're interested in putting your house up for sale, you first need to decide if you're going to sell the house on your own or if you want the help of a real estate agent. Some people do sell their homes without any assistance, but working with an agent simplifies the entire process for the seller. In this blog, you'll learn why it's a good choice to speak with an agent to list your house. We aren't connected to the real estate industry, but we have learned the importance of having an agent by our side. The articles you'll read on this site will explain the duties of an agent, such as advertising the property, filing the paperwork and staging the home. The expertise of a real estate agent can make this process more profitable and less stressful for sellers.


3 Tips To Help You Purchase Your First Home In A Seller’s Market

25 March 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Purchasing your first home can be very exciting and may be a dream that you have worked towards for a long time. If you happen to be buying a home during a seller's market, it may be a little bit more challenging, but not impossible. In real estate, the term seller's market refers to a market where the inventory of single family real estate for sale is low and the number of buyers is high. Read More …

Want To Buy A Condo To Live In With Roommates? 3 Tips For Picking The Right Place

25 March 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

In the past, you may have lived with roommates in an apartment or house. Even if you no longer live with others, you may look back fondly on the experience. If you are interested in having this kind of experience again but you are also ready to become a property owner, you should consider purchasing a condo that you feel comfortable living in with several roommates. Bedroom Placement When you first lived with roommates, you may have been happy just to save money by living with other people. Read More …

4 Reasons To Consider A Smaller Home

25 March 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When you are looking for a home for your family, it's tempting to assume that bigger is better. You want room for your family to spread out, and you want space for all of the extra things you might buy in the next couple of years. And some families really do benefit from buying larger, more spacious homes. However, this approach is not for everyone. There are actually some benefits to erring on the small side when shopping for a family home. Read More …

Options For Selling Your Outdated Home

25 March 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

As you look around the house you own and live in, do you see a home that needs a lot of work and updates? Trying to sell an outdated home is not an impossible task, but it may require doing some work. It depends, though, on how you want to sell it. Here are several things you should understand about selling an outdated home. You Can Sell It As-Is If you ever look at real estate listings, you might see some homes that advertise they are " Read More …

What Does DOM Tell You About Single-Family Home Listings?

24 March 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

The Internet makes it simple for people to see all the current single-family home listings, and this is often an excellent place to start as you search for a home to buy. As you browse the listings, you'll probably see a number on each that refers to the DOM. Are you wondering what this is? If so, here is an explanation of what DOM is and what it tells you about a home listing. Read More …